Pedalar por Mora a fora
Os que encontram um sentimento de liberdade e de maior contacto com o mundo que os rodeia montados numa bicicleta têm em Mora um cenário convidadtivo à prática desta actividade. Seja inverno ou verão.
Mora fica praticamente a meio da Ecopista Lisboa-Badajoz que, tal
como a Ecopista Mora-Évora, ainda tem alguns troços que apresentam
dificuldades de utilização.
Nesta região é sempre possível fazer alguns percursos
interessantes, especialmente se juntarmos os sectores da
Ecopista Mora-Évora (assente na antiga linha de comboio) com outros
caminhos ou trilhos que tanto podem passar por arvoredo (sobretudo
pinheiros ou sobreiros), como junto a pontos de água (ribeiros, açudes
ou charcos).
Foto/Photo/ K.Moura
Venha experimentar e depois digam se tenho razão.
Antes de ir pedalar para outros lados deixo-vos com algumas informações sobre os benefícios de andar de bicicleta. Bons passeios, boas pedaladas.
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Nos primeiros 20 minutos de pedalada é quando o seu corpo aproveita mais a atividade
física, liberta cortisol, uma hormona que está ligada ao stress.
Em 40 minutos o fluxo de oxigênio e de sangue no cérebro aumentam, e se pedalar durante esse periodo de tempo pelo menos cinco dias por semana os riscos de
adoecer são muito baixos.
Aos 50 minutos, o corpo libera dois tipos de hormonas ligadas ao seu estado de ânimo, sendo elas a serotonina e a endorfina.
Após todo este esforço lembre-se de parar, beber algo muito hidratante e comer carbo hidratos. Os músculos agradecem.
Whether is it winter or summer, those who have a sense of freedom and enjoy a deep contact with the world around them when mounting a bike will find in Mora an inviting scenario to practice this activity. Mora is half way between the Eco trail Lisboa-Badajoz, just like the Evora-Eco trail, with some sections presenting a high level of difficulty. In this region it is always possible to pass by interesting sites, especially if we combine the Ecotrail Mora-Évora (along the old railway line) with other roads or trails that can either go through trees (mainly pine and oak trees), or by water sites (streams, ponds or puddles).Try it and then tell me if I am right.I leave you with some information about the benefits of cycling, before I bike to somewhere else. I wish you a great ride.
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It is during the first 20 minutes of cycling that your body takes the highest benefit from a physical activity, by releasing cortisol, the primary stress hormone.
In just 40 minutes of exercise, there is a significant increased blood and oxygen flow in the brain, and pedaling for this period of time at least five days a week decreases the risk of getting ill.
After 50 minutes, the body releases serotonin and endorphin, two types of hormones linked to the feeling of hapiness. After this huge effort remember to stop and have a hydration drink and eat some carbohydrates. The muscles will be grateful.
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Whether is it winter or summer, those who have a sense of freedom and enjoy a deep contact with the world around them when mounting a bike will find in Mora an inviting scenario to practice this activity. Mora is half way between the Eco trail Lisboa-Badajoz, just like the Evora-Eco trail, with some sections presenting a high level of difficulty. In this region it is always possible to pass by interesting sites, especially if we combine the Ecotrail Mora-Évora (along the old railway line) with other roads or trails that can either go through trees (mainly pine and oak trees), or by water sites (streams, ponds or puddles).Try it and then tell me if I am right.I leave you with some information about the benefits of cycling, before I bike to somewhere else. I wish you a great ride.
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It is during the first 20 minutes of cycling that your body takes the highest benefit from a physical activity, by releasing cortisol, the primary stress hormone.
In just 40 minutes of exercise, there is a significant increased blood and oxygen flow in the brain, and pedaling for this period of time at least five days a week decreases the risk of getting ill.
After 50 minutes, the body releases serotonin and endorphin, two types of hormones linked to the feeling of hapiness. After this huge effort remember to stop and have a hydration drink and eat some carbohydrates. The muscles will be grateful.
qui éprouvent un sentiment de liberté et de contact avec le monde
autour d'eux quand ils montent sur un vélo trouveront à Mora un
scénario qui invite à la pratique de cette activité. Que ce soit en hiver ou en été.Mora se situe à mi-chemin entre la piste cyclable Lisboa-Badajoz, et fait parti de la piste Ecotrail Evora, toutes les deux avec des tronçons qui presentent un niveau de difficulté élevé.
cette région, il est toujours possible de parcourir quelques pistes
intéressantes, surtout si l'on combine des sections du parcour
Mora-Évora (qui longe l'ancien chemin de fer) avec d'autres
chemins ou sentiers qui peuvent soit aller à travers les arbres
(principalement des pins et des chênes), ou passer par les cours d'eau (des étangs ou des flaques d'eau).Faites-le et dites-moi si je me trompe.
Avant de m'en aller pédaler ailleurs, je vous laisse quelques informations sur les bienfaits de faire du vélo. Je vous souhaite des belles promenades.
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C'est pendant les 20 premières minutes de pédalage que le corps profite mieux de l'activité physique, en se libérant du cortisol, une hormone liée
au stress.Après 40 minutes, le débit d'oxygène et de sang dans le
cerveau augmente. Pédaler pendant 40 minutes au moins cinq jours par semaine diminue énormément le risque d'atrapper des maladies.Après 50 minutes, le corps libère deux types d'hormones - la sérotonine et l'endorphine - qui procurent une sensation de plaisir.Après cet effort, rappelez vous de vous arrêter et de prendre une boisson hydratante et manger des hydrates de carbone. Les muscles vous en seront reconnaissants.
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