Fui a Mora este fim de semana. Amei, como sempre.
infinito da planície alentejana, o Pôr do sol, belo, quente, cheio de
vida, o silêncio, o tempo que passa devagar. Tudo isso me encheu a alma.
Uma vez mais.
encantamento maior foram as romãs do meu pomar. Colhi, dei aos amigos,
trouxe na bagagem para Bruxelas. E não resisti a fazer uma foto para
vocês. De partilhar convosco a beleza deste fruto.
De cor se faz o Alentejo. Não é só oliveiras, sobreiros e azinheiras. É o mundo todo cá dentro.
romã é o fruto do amor, é citada por William Shakespeare em “Romeu e
Julieta“, é considerada como símbolo da prosperidade e riqueza.
É uma fruta exótica e milenar. Existem registros de restos da fruta em túmulos egípcios com mais de quatro milênios. É usada desde a antiguidade por diversas culturas. A romã possui uma importância histórica grande, uma vez que faz parte do contexto cultural de muitos povos. Para os gregos, este fruto era consagrado à Deusa do amor e da beleza, Afrodite.
É uma fruta exótica e milenar. Existem registros de restos da fruta em túmulos egípcios com mais de quatro milênios. É usada desde a antiguidade por diversas culturas. A romã possui uma importância histórica grande, uma vez que faz parte do contexto cultural de muitos povos. Para os gregos, este fruto era consagrado à Deusa do amor e da beleza, Afrodite.
"Em ti recordarei sempre a cor das romãs.
Sorverei os gomos entre as tuas ternas, ternas manhãs de amor."
João Morgado
"Possui substâncias antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. O seu
sumo ajuda a combater o colesterol e problemas cardíacos. É abundante em água, tem baixa quantidade de
gorduras e pouquíssimas calorias. Rica em potássio, cálcio, ferro e
fósforo. E tem ainda, minerais como, magnésio e sódio. Também possui
vitamina A, tanino e vitaminas do complexo B, como a B6, e ácido
pantatênico, e ainda, vitamina C, E, e é composta de carboidratos, água e
proteínas (...)."
Usem e abusem. Só faz bem. E é um fruto tão bonito.
EN - I went to Mora this weekend. I loved it, as always.
The infinity of the plain, the sunset, beautiful, warm, full of life, the silence, the time running slowly. All this filled my soul. Once again.
The greatest enchantment was the pomegranates of my fruit garden. I picked them, I distributed to my friends, I brought some in the luggage to Brussels. And I did not resist taking a photo for you. To share with you the beauty of this fruit.
The infinity of the plain, the sunset, beautiful, warm, full of life, the silence, the time running slowly. All this filled my soul. Once again.
The greatest enchantment was the pomegranates of my fruit garden. I picked them, I distributed to my friends, I brought some in the luggage to Brussels. And I did not resist taking a photo for you. To share with you the beauty of this fruit.
Alentejo is a colorful place. It is not just olive trees, cork oaks and holm oaks. The whole world lives here.
The pomegranate is the fruit of love, is quoted by William Shakespeare in "Romeo and Juliet", is considered as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.
"It is an ancient and exotic fruit. There are records of remains of the fruit in Egyptian tombs over four millennia. It has been used since antiquity by several cultures. The pomegranate has a great historical importance, since it is part of many cultures. For the Greeks, this fruit was a devotional offering to Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty.
It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Its juice can help lowering cholesterol and contribute to prevent heart problems. It is abundant in water, very low in saturated fat as well as in calories. It is rich in potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. And it also has minerals such as magnesium and sodium. It also has vitamin A, tannin and B-complex vitamins, such as B6, and pantathenic acid, and also vitamin C, E, and is composed of carbohydrates, water and proteins (...).
Eat it without restrictions. It is healthy and very good. And it is such a beautiful fruit.
The pomegranate is the fruit of love, is quoted by William Shakespeare in "Romeo and Juliet", is considered as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.
"It is an ancient and exotic fruit. There are records of remains of the fruit in Egyptian tombs over four millennia. It has been used since antiquity by several cultures. The pomegranate has a great historical importance, since it is part of many cultures. For the Greeks, this fruit was a devotional offering to Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty.
"Once when I was living in the heart of a pomegranate, I heard a seed
saying, “Someday I shall become a tree, and the wind will sing in
my branches, and the sun will dance on my leaves, and I shall be
strong and beautiful through all the seasons.”
saying, “Someday I shall become a tree, and the wind will sing in
my branches, and the sun will dance on my leaves, and I shall be
strong and beautiful through all the seasons.”
Kahlil Gibran
It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Its juice can help lowering cholesterol and contribute to prevent heart problems. It is abundant in water, very low in saturated fat as well as in calories. It is rich in potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. And it also has minerals such as magnesium and sodium. It also has vitamin A, tannin and B-complex vitamins, such as B6, and pantathenic acid, and also vitamin C, E, and is composed of carbohydrates, water and proteins (...).
Eat it without restrictions. It is healthy and very good. And it is such a beautiful fruit.

L'infini de la prairie de l'Alentejo, le coucher du soleil, beau, chaleureux, plein de vie, le silence, le temps qui passe lentement. Tout cela a comblé mon âme. Encore une fois.
Cependant, la plus grande merveille c'était les grenades de mon verger. Je les ai recolté, j'ai offert aux amis, je les ai ramenné dans mon bagage, de retour à Bruxelles. Et je n'ai pas résisté à faire une photo pour vous. Pour ainsi partager avec vous la beauté de ce fruit.
L'Alentejo est très coloré. Ce ne sont pas seulement les oliviers, les chênes-lièges et les chênes verts qui règnent dans le paysage. C'est le monde entier qui habite chez nous, à Alentejo.
La grenade est le fruit de l'amour, cité par William Shakespeare dans «Romeo et Juliette», il est considéré comme un symbole de prospérité et de richesse. Il s'agit d'un fruit ancien et exotique. Il y a des signes de grenade dans les tombeaux égyptiens d'il y a quatre millénaires. Depuis l'Antiquité qu'il est consommé par différentes cultures. La grenade a une importante place dans l'histoire de l'humanité car elle fait partie de plusieurs cultures. Les Grecs ont consacré ce fruit à Aphrodite, la déesse de l'amour et de beauté.
Il possède des substances antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires. Son jus est un alié dans la lutte contre le cholestérol et les problèmes cardiaques. Il a de faibles quantités de graisse et très peu de calories. Il est riche en potassium, en calcium, en fer et en phosphore. Et il contient aussi des minéraux tels que le magnésium et le sodium. La grenade contient également de la vitamine A, des tanins et des vitamines du complexe B, aussi de la vitamine B6 et de l'acide pantathénique, ainsi que des vitamines C, E, et encore d'hydrates de carbone, d'eau et de protéines.
Consommez et abusez. Il ne fait que du bien. Et c'est un si beau fruit.
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