Bem-haja quem cultiva a terra e colhe o fruto
Hoje, quero apenas e tão só, prestar a minha homenagem às mulheres e aos homens do nosso Alentejo, pelo seu trabalho árduo no campo.
Foto/Photo: K.Moura

Tratam a terra com sabedoria, cultivam-na, cuidam dela,
colhem o fruto.
Que eu recebo com respeito.
Tomato plantation, 8:00 am
Today, I just want to pay tribute to the people of our Alentejo for
their hard work in the fields.
They use their wisdom to cultivate the land, to take care of it, to reap its fruit.
Which I take with respect.
Foto/Photo: K.Moura

Tratam a terra com sabedoria, cultivam-na, cuidam dela,
colhem o fruto.
Que eu recebo com respeito.
Tomato plantation, 8:00 am
Today, I just want to pay tribute to the people of our Alentejo for
their hard work in the fields.
They use their wisdom to cultivate the land, to take care of it, to reap its fruit.
Which I take with respect.
Plantation de tomate, 8:00 du matin
Aujourd'hui, je veux tout simplement rendre homage
aux femmmes et aux hommes de notre Alentejo
pour leur dur travail dans les champs.
Ils et elles prennent soin des terrains,
les cultivent avec sagesse et récoltent les fruits.
Que je prends respectueusement.
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