Voltar a casa

"Um homem percorre o mundo inteiro em busca daquilo que precisa e volta a casa para encontrá-lo."
George Moore
O meu querido amigo António Pintor já anda pelo mundo à procura da sua identidade, do seu caminho. Mas também ele regressa sempre a Mora quando precisa do conchego de um rosto conhecido, de um som familiar, de um cheiro reconfortante. Do abraço de quem o ama.
Produto à venda aqui: https://www.moteefe.com/mora-rpr
My dear friend António Pintor has already started travelling around the world looking for his inner self.
But he always returns to Mora when he needs the comfort of a familiar face, a familiar sound or a familiar smell. Or to be hugged by someone who loves him.
The sweatshirt...
Produto à venda aqui: https://www.moteefe.com/mora-rpr
"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
George Moore
My dear friend António Pintor has already started travelling around the world looking for his inner self.
But he always returns to Mora when he needs the comfort of a familiar face, a familiar sound or a familiar smell. Or to be hugged by someone who loves him.
The sweatshirt...
No matter where I go, Mora will always be my home
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