Vinhos que MORA(m) aqui
"Mora é planície, Alentejo, olhos de ver, de ouvir, de tocar, de sentir…O montado que escorre, a planície que escapa, água que fura…Mora é também lugar de vinha e de vinhos."
Maria Mora é esse
cantar mas também uma homenagem à mulher Alentejana, ampliada pela ilustração
de Manuel Ribeiro de Pavia, pintor neo-realista do início do século XX.
Magnum Carlos Lucas Vinhos produz o Maria Mora a partir das colheitas na sua quinta situada no concelho de Mora.
Há outros vinhos produzidos em Mora que também têm muita Procura. São os vinhos produzidos na adega de Susana Esteban.
Conheça a história do vinho:
English version
"Mora is plain, Alentejo,
eyes to see, to hear, to touch, to feel ... The mount that runs, the
plain that escapes, water that sticks ... Mora is also a place of
vineyards and wines."
Maria Mora is a tribute to the Alentejo woman, amplified by the illustration of Manuel Ribeiro de Pavia, neo-realist painter of the early twentieth century, who was born in Mora county.
Magnum Carlos Lucas Vinhos produces Maria Mora from the harvests in his farm located in the municipality of Mora.
Maria Mora is a tribute to the Alentejo woman, amplified by the illustration of Manuel Ribeiro de Pavia, neo-realist painter of the early twentieth century, who was born in Mora county.
Magnum Carlos Lucas Vinhos produces Maria Mora from the harvests in his farm located in the municipality of Mora.
Cabeção parish

Mora parish
Several other wines are produced in Mora with great demand. We are talking about the ones produced by Susana Esteban in her cellar.

The History of Wine:
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