Dia Internacional do Blog
Neste último dia do mês de Agosto, que ainda cheira a férias e a verão, celebra-se o Dia Internacional do Blog.
A blogosfera trouxe-nos muitas coisas boas e tantas outras menos boas. Para o bem e para o mal, deu a possibilidade a cada um de nós de divulgar as suas ideias, partilhar conhecimentos, estar mais próximo daqueles que estão muito longe. Antes da blogosfera a nossa capacidade de expressão ficava confinada à rua em que moramos, à mesa do café e aos jantares em familia. Não ia muito mais longe do que isso.
Quantos de nós tinhamos colunas nos jornais, artigos em revistas, presença assídua na televisão ou programas na rádio?
Eu cheguei ao mundo dos blogs por amor a Mora. Durante os 20 anos que tenho passado entre os amigos que aqui moram, passeado por estes campos, comido em tudo que é restaurante, visitado tudo que é canto, vi e senti muita coisa. Chegou um dia, em Agosto de 2016, que achei que era tempo de aproveitar as oportunidades da internet e divulgar esta maravilhosa terra.
Não fui a primeira, nem serei certamente a última a fazê-lo. Mas faço-o ao meu jeito. Com respeito pelas pessoas, com carinho pelo esforço desenvolvido por quem todos os dias dá o seu contributo para que esta terra seja um lugar de qualidade e tentanto sempre dignificar Mora e os morenses.
Ao longo deste ano de blog aprendi muito sobre o Concelho de Mora, conheci pessoas que me contaram interessantes histórias sobre a sua terra, os seus sonhos, os seus projectos, fui a sitios onde ainda não tinha ido. Sempre com muita alegria e muito prazer.
Ao longo deste ano de blog aprendi muito sobre o Concelho de Mora, conheci pessoas que me contaram interessantes histórias sobre a sua terra, os seus sonhos, os seus projectos, fui a sitios onde ainda não tinha ido. Sempre com muita alegria e muito prazer.
Procurarei permanecer com a mesma vontade que me impulsionou a partir para esta
aventura e continuo disponível para continuar a dar a conhecer as particularidades e as belezas deste cantinho alentejano.
Mas o blog só ganha vida quando é lido por quem está desse lado, e devo dizer que é o mundo inteiro, quando vocês comentam, quando dão contributos para que ele seja melhor.
Continuem aí a apoiar o Mora Mundus que eu continuarei aqui, a fotografar, a escrever, a recolher testemunhos e a publicar.
Parabéns a todos os bloguistas, obrigada ao meu técnico informático Tomás Nobre que tantas vezes já me salvou de grandes embrulhadas técnicas, ao meu "assistente" António Nobre que muitos quilómetros já calcarrilhou comigo para tirarmos fotografias, aos amigos que abrem portas - não posso nomeá-la(o)s toda(o)s porque a lista é extensa- e a toda(o)s os seguidora(e)s e simpatizantes do Mora Mundus.
Saudações bloguistas.
Fotos/Photos: 1. Monte da Amorada, Brotas
2. Vila de Mora /Mora Village
This last day of August, still feeling like hollidays and summer, is the International Blog Day is celebrated.The blogosphere brought us many good things and so many other less good ones. For good and bad, it gave each of us the opportunity to disseminate our ideas, to share our knowledge, to be closer to those who are far away. Before the blogosphere was created, our opportunity to express our feelings and ideas was confined to the street where we lived, to the pub and to family dinners. It would not go much further than that.
How many of us have a newspaper column, a periodical article in a magazine, a frequent presence on television or even a radio program?I have joined the world of blogs because of my love for Mora. During the 20 years I have spent among the friends I have here, hiking through the fields, eating in every local restaurant, visiting so many places, I have seen many things and had many experiences. One day, in August 2016, I thought it was time to take advantage of the opportunities of the internet and talk about this wonderful land.
I was not the first, nor I will be the last to do so. But I do it my way. With respect for people, with affection for the efforts developed by those who give their daily contribution to make this land an even better place, always trying to dignify Mora and the Morenses.Throughout this year I have learned a lot about the municipality of Mora, I met people who told me interesting stories about their land, their dreams, their projects, I went to places where I had not yet gone. Always with great joy and pleasure.
I will try to keep the same resolve that has led me to embrace this adventure and remain available to continue to spread around the particularities and beauties of this corner of Alentejo.The blog only comes to life when it is read by others. I must say the followers and the well-wishers are all over the world. The input you bring to the blog makes it better.
Please continue supporting Mora Mundus and I will stay here, photographing, writing, collecting testimonies to publish.
Congratulations to all bloggers, thanks to my computer expert Tomás Nobre, who has saved me from serious technical problems so many times, to my "assistant" António Nobre, who has stayed by my side for many kilometers to take pictures, to my friends who opened many doors - I can not naming them all because the list would be too long - and to all the followers and well-wishers of Mora Mundus. Greetings.
Fotos/Photos: 1. Monte da Amorada, Brotas
2. Vila de Mora /Mora Village
This last day of August, still feeling like hollidays and summer, is the International Blog Day is celebrated.The blogosphere brought us many good things and so many other less good ones. For good and bad, it gave each of us the opportunity to disseminate our ideas, to share our knowledge, to be closer to those who are far away. Before the blogosphere was created, our opportunity to express our feelings and ideas was confined to the street where we lived, to the pub and to family dinners. It would not go much further than that.
How many of us have a newspaper column, a periodical article in a magazine, a frequent presence on television or even a radio program?I have joined the world of blogs because of my love for Mora. During the 20 years I have spent among the friends I have here, hiking through the fields, eating in every local restaurant, visiting so many places, I have seen many things and had many experiences. One day, in August 2016, I thought it was time to take advantage of the opportunities of the internet and talk about this wonderful land.
I was not the first, nor I will be the last to do so. But I do it my way. With respect for people, with affection for the efforts developed by those who give their daily contribution to make this land an even better place, always trying to dignify Mora and the Morenses.Throughout this year I have learned a lot about the municipality of Mora, I met people who told me interesting stories about their land, their dreams, their projects, I went to places where I had not yet gone. Always with great joy and pleasure.
I will try to keep the same resolve that has led me to embrace this adventure and remain available to continue to spread around the particularities and beauties of this corner of Alentejo.The blog only comes to life when it is read by others. I must say the followers and the well-wishers are all over the world. The input you bring to the blog makes it better.
Please continue supporting Mora Mundus and I will stay here, photographing, writing, collecting testimonies to publish.
Congratulations to all bloggers, thanks to my computer expert Tomás Nobre, who has saved me from serious technical problems so many times, to my "assistant" António Nobre, who has stayed by my side for many kilometers to take pictures, to my friends who opened many doors - I can not naming them all because the list would be too long - and to all the followers and well-wishers of Mora Mundus. Greetings.
Parabéns bloguista pelo excelente blog, pela escrita, pelas fotos, por estar aí desse lado, com alma e coração a dar-nos um bocadinho de Mora, das gentes, da cultura e das belezas desse cantinho alentejano!!! Obrigada, Bem Haja
ResponderEliminarBem haja, Karla, pelo seu fantástico, coerente e belo Mora Mundus..! Sem ele Mora não estaria tão perto de tod@s : ). Continue sempre connosco! Um abraço do monte da amOrada | Brotas