25 de Abril em movimento
Mora comemora o 25 de Abril da melhor maneira possível. Em movimento, a pedalar pelos campos fora. Prova de que o espírito da revolução dos cravos está vivo, dinâmico, de boa saúde.
Viva a Liberdade.
Viva a Liberdade.
25 de Abril
Esta é a madrugada que eu esperava
O dia inicial inteiro e limpo
Onde emergimos da noite e do silêncio
E livres habitamos a substância do tempo
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Fotos: Camara Municipal de Mora
EN - "Since 1974 “Freedom Day” is celebrated in Portugal — April 25 – as a national holiday to mark the bloodless military coup, supported by the civilian population, bringing democracy and civil liberties to the Portuguese people.
After almost five decades of dictatorship (1937-1974), the Carnation Revolution,
ended the Estado Novo regime, the longest dictatorship in Europe,
changing the Portuguese political system from an authoritarian
dictatorship to a democracy.", says Carolina Matos in Portuguese American Journal.
The carnation became the symbol of this day.

Mora celebrates the Freedom Day in the best way possible. On the move, cycling through the fields. It is the proof that the spirit of the carnation revolution is alive, dynamic, in good health.
FR - Depuis 1974 les portugais commémorent la Révolution des œillets du 25 avril qui vit la
fin de la dictature de Salazar et le retour de la démocratie au
La Fête de la Liberté commémore le coup militaire sans sang, soutenu par la population
civile, apportant la démocratie et les libertés civiles aux portugais. L'œillet est devenu le symbole de la révolution d'avril.
Photo: Rita Justino 
Mora célèbre le jour de la liberté de la meilleure façon possible. En mouvement, parcourant à vélo le long des magnifiques champs de l'Alentejo. Comme quoi l'esprit de la révolution des œillets est vivant, dynamique, de bonne santé.
Fotos/Photos: Câmara Municipal de Mora + Google
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